Desert Wildlife Refuge

Published on 23 June 2022 at 07:42

The Desert Wildlife Refuge is the largest refuge in the USA outside of Alaska. It's managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is north of Las Vegas.

It was established in 1936 to preserve the habitat of the Bighorn Sheep and originally covers over 2.25 million acres.

In 1940, 840.000 acres were transferred  to the Department of Daefense.


In order to preserve this habitat new water sources where developed,  while old ones were preserved and improved.

Many other wildlife and plants share habitat with the Bighorn Sheep. Visit the Visitor Center in Corn Creek, 23 miles north of Las Vegas, to learn a lot about flora and fauna.


Activities at the Wildlife Refuge

Even if you only have a short amount of time a visit to the Visitor Center is worthwhile.



5 smaller and 3 longer trails offer hiking opportunities. You can get a simple map here

Backpacking is allowed. No permit is needed. Camping is only allowed if you are 100 yards away from water developments or springs.

Open campfires are forbidden all year around!! However a Backpacking  stove are allowed.

Auto touring

There are 150 miles of rugged rounds to explore. A high-clearance vehicle with 4-wheels- drive are recommended.

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